
Quizzes that let you play and learn.

View the Project on GitHub



  1. Introduction
  2. Setup
  3. Feedback


Quizzard is a web-based quiz application designed to be used for educational purposes.


These instructions will guide you through setting up an instance of Quizzard.

Before continuing, make sure that you have the dependencies nodejs, npm and mongodb installed.

  1. Clone the repository.
  $ git clone https://github.com/quizzard-edu/quizzard
  1. Install the Node module dependencies.
  $ cd quizzard
  $ npm install
  1. Configure server settings and SSL Certification
    • Note: To run this application locally you do not have to change any configuration settings.
      1. Go to server/config.js
      2. Change the https and http ports.
      3. For hostName Enter the public web-address for this website, ex (www.quizzard.com)
      4. You can change the session expiration time, by default it is set to 2 hours.
      5. Replace the default self-signed SSL Certificates with your certificates.

To generate your own Self-Signed Certificate, Run the following script on your shell (terminal):

  1. To secure MongoDB authentication and advanced firewall rules follow the steps provided under doc/MongoDb-Security.
    • Note: You can skip this step if you are running this in a local environment (localhost).
  2. You can now launch the server by running
  $ npm start

If haven’t changed any settings you should now be able to access Quizzard by visiting https://localhost:8080 in your browser.

  1. The port on which the server runs and the mongodb connection settings can be modified through the following environment variables:
  1. Create an admin account for the application by running node setup.js. It will prompt you for a username and password.

  2. After you have set up an admin account, load the Quizzard application and log in with the account that you created. You now have a working instance of Quizzard which you can use.


If you have a question, find a bug, need a feature, or want to contribute, please email: quizzard.edu@gmail.com


Quizzard’s development started at and has been supported by the University of Toronto Mississauga. Below is a list of the contributors so far.

Supervisor: Larry Yueli Zhang